Are you interested in a career with us?
For more information, please contact our Human Resource Manager, at 570-839-6282 x 421
To apply, please download and print out the employment application below. Completed applications may
be mailed to:
Monroe County Transportation Authority
Human Resources Manager
PO Box 339
Scotrun, PA 18355
At this time, we apologize that we are unable to accept applications electronically.
Employment Applications
Download Employment
Instructions: Print and fillout or type the information online and then print.
Download Drivers
License Check Form.
Instructions: Use the Adobe form to complete the information and then sign the document. This form
must be completed by each employee that may require operating a company vehicle. Do not send
money with the DL-503 form. No application will be considered if this form is missing.
Please fax applications to (570) 839-8205 or mail to MCTA Attention: Human Resources.
Download Child Abuse History Clearance Form.
Instructions: Use the Adobe form to complete the information and sign the document. The candidate
must complete, submit and pay for these form to the proper authority prior to starting at MCTA.
A .PDF reader is required for downloads. Click on the button to obtain the FREE Acrobat Reader.

Criminal History Record Check
This link redirects you to a non-MCTA site. The purpose of ePATCH is to better
enable the public to obtain criminal history record checks. The repository was created and is
maintained in accordance with Pennsylvania's Criminal History Information Act contained in Chapter
91 of Title 18, Crimes Code. This Act also directs the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) to
disseminate criminal history data to criminal justice agencies, non-criminal justice agencies and
individuals on request. Criminal justice agencies can access all of an individual's criminal history
record information (CHRI). Requests made by noncriminal justice agencies and individuals are subject
to edit criteria contained in the law.
Instructions: Background checks can be completed online at the following address: Criminal History Record Check